Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Doggie Desserts for AARF

My children are constantly amazing me. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I think my children are pretty wonderful. But the other day, driving home from school my 7 1/2 Year old daughter really made me proud. Out of the blue she said, "Mommy, I really want to do something to raise money for AARF." If you have never heard of AARF it is a local animal rescue group. You can visit to learn more about them. We adopted our dog from them 2 1/2 years ago, and just recently we adopted a kitten from them. I think that is what really raised my daughter's awareness of the organization (plus she has always had a soft spot for animals). But it blew me away that she realized that SHE could make a difference (even if it is only a small one).

So, we thought about different things we could make and sell to raise money, when she (with the help of one of her American Girl Doll books) decided on Dog Treats (or Doggie Desserts as she calls them). Here she is making the labels for her bags, and a finished bag she had made:

Here she is mixing the ingredients all together. I really wanted this to be HER project.

And here is the finished project:

As you can see it got our dog's approval, oh and also one of my neighbors. She has two dogs, and they both gobbled them up.

Here she is heading out to sell them to our neighbors, who quickly bought them up

**She will be selling them for the next week, so if you would like to help AARF, make my daughter happy, and give your dog a yummy treat please let me know and I will get some to you. They are selling for $5 a bag (each bag contains 6 desserts). Also, her Daddy and I told her that we would match Dollar for Dollar whatever she earns.**


  1. No dog in the house, but wanted to say, "You go, girl!" Friend of Juanita

  2. Wow! That is an awesome way to help the AARF animals. Give Sara a hug for me!

    AARF Director
