Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Welcome to my Wonderful World of Blogging!

Okay, I have decided to jump on the band wagon, and start a blog. As I sit down creating this blog it occurs to me that maybe no one really wants to read what goes on in my imagination (trust me, I is a scary place in there!), so I will spare you most of what goes on in there. I am creating this blog as a place to share all my crafts. Whether it be the yummy cupcakes I love to bake for my kids school, or the crafts I make for their classes, or the latest interior design project I am working on. Okay, occasionally I may also use this blog to share the craziness that is my life, but hey that is what will add some comedy to it :o) !

At any rate, I hope that you will jump onboard and follow me through all my crafty, crazy, adventures.


  1. I have often thought about doing the same. I'll add you to my google reader. Would love to see what you are up to! :)

  2. Yeah! I love hearing about all your crafty ideas!!

  3. Need all the help I can get with interior decorating! Your home is beautiful!

  4. Thanks Heather!! And Nikki, if you set up a blog, please send me a link so that I can follow you :o) !

    Melissa, thanks so much for the compliment!! I am happy to come and help you ANYTIME you would like me too! Just let me know!!
